We hear over and over that creativity is always one of the best skill to have for the future.

  • Forbes says “Creativity will be one of the most desirable skills in the future workplace”*

  • WEF puts “Creativity, originality and initiative” among the top 10 skills of 2025.*

But why do so many creatives struggle?

I start with the Big Questions

  • “What if creators were valued as much as business people?”

  • Why is it so hard to be an artist?

  • Why is it that I see artists creating so much value but don’t seem to get the rewards?

  • Why is it that society believes that artists are poor?

  • Why do so many people dream of being an artist, musician, painter, writer, dancer, actor, … but have to give up?

  • What if there was a system to help creatives succeed?

  • What if there was an organization that had a mission to help creatives of all kinds succeed?

For business we have Venture Capital, Incubators, Angel investors… but artists have to work on their art on their own. Usually supported by themselves, or family and friends. Rich uncle? Or maybe already rich?

The world has changed. Platforms like Patrion is proving that it is possible to make a living with a small but devoted fan base. It was already 15 years ago when Kevin Kelly talked about anyone making a living with 1000 True Fans*

There are many ideas and platforms now that help creators. But at the end of the day, creators are supported by ads, or big companies taking a cut for the platforms the artists are slave to.

I believe there is a better model for creatives. What if there was a better system of help and support them succeed? Some kind of Creator Collective.

  • Early Support like incubators

    • anyone with any idea as long as it is something that gives the creative Joy can keep working on their idea. Maybe like on basic income? Artists residency, or by sponsors?
  • What if there was an organization

    • creatives are the owner

    • Transparent accounting

    • diversity, make more, improve (evolution theory of success → more + diversity = better)

  • with the mission of

    • success of creatives

    • share the success among creatives

    • joy when creating

Agencies that connect Brands to Creators