When the price of homes you live in goes up, should you be happy that you are richer? Who is really benefiting from the higher price of homes?

Maybe you are one of the lucky people who bought low and sold high.

Maybe you got into the real estate game before a lot of other people and have a lot of properties that are making profit for you. You are the “Land Lord” why do we still call these people Lord anyways?

Seems to me that banks are the only ones that are profiting from higher and higher real estate prices.

Even if I was lucky to afford a place. Increasing proporty prices will increase proporty taxes and become less and less affordable as you age. Many people who bought a proporty when it was very affordable could be kicked out of their own neighbourhoods just because the real estate price got so much higher than what they can afford to pay tax on.

Even if my place became more expensive and I sold my place I would have to find another place to live. And if the rent keep s going up, and real estate prices keep going up the profit I make from selling the place doesn’t really bring any value since it has to go to pay for the next place I want to live in.

Having a place to live should be a basic human right.


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