
Logseq today just (4 hours ago) released Version 9.10

  • So why am I so excited about this release that I am writing about it?

  • It is because of one feature that I have been waiting for for so long… Smart Merge.

Logseq checked all the boxes for me

  • It is my main note taking app, my [[PKM]], and my [[second brain]].

  • There are so many more great things about Logseq, but when it comes down to the deal breakers these were high on my list and believe me I have tried many apps and I can’t think of any that can do all of these things as well as Logseq.


  • There are still a few rough edges that made me almost give up.

  • At first it didn’t have a mobile app, I stuck with it during all the buggy, crashes, and sync issues…

  • One important requirement for a robust note taking app is the ability to sync across all of your devices. It is so obvious these days that it’s kind of embarrassing to be so excited about this common feature.

  • I think because Logseq is also about Local first Syncing had been secondary. Sync across devices had been possible in a few different ways for a while now but it was honestly one of the most painful thing about Logseq. It works but it wasn’t reliable.

  • It almost became a deal breaker. I almost gave up using Logseq.

  • And today with this new version, one of those rough edges have been fixed.

So what is Smart Merge?

  • One of the worst thing a [[PKM]] system can do is to lose some information you have entered.

  • Without the confidence that you can save something and rely on it 100% makes you question everything in the system.

  • It just sucks when you lose something.

  • There was a possibility when you make edits in two different devices. One version could override the other. You had to manually keep track and make sure the sync was complete before making new edits.

  • Smart Merge fixes this by merging your changes.

  • It is still a beta feature so I think you need to be a supporter to get it. But I was so happy that I was able to get this update on both desktop and iOS at the same time. Usually the iOS version comes out a bit later. I guess it made sense to release at the same time for this feature.

What does this mean?

  • This means I don’t have to worry about losing some writing I did on one device while offline. Sometimes when I don’t notice that I was offline those changes would be lost. But I tried testing going offline and making different edits in two different devices and it merged all the edits without losing any information! Great!

  • I can go on long airplane flights without worrying that I will lose those changes.

  • It will open up opportunities for multiple people editing the same page at the same time!

I have been building anticipation for version 10. I believe it will be in a stable state that I can confidently recommend to people. I hope that time is very soon.