How would you visualize all of the knowledge in the world?

  • Sphere of knowledge that is growing very fast?

One way I like to think about it is a rubber band that is being stretched.

  • If you were to lay all of human knowledge in a line from easy to difficult.

  • you could put people somewhere on that rubber band

  • but because knowledge is growing so rapidly the rubber band would be stretching out really fast

Similar to the universe expanding, the space of knowledge expands very fast.

Human population is probably distributed in this line in a [[Bell Curve]]. Maybe very heavily skewed to the beginning of the line. And then with a very very long tail with only a few people towards the end.

Since no one person can know all of it. Time and memory limit. How does one individual move farther to the right?

Does what you know, and how much you know determine the kind of life you live?

How do you move the general society down the line in order to improve society?

Everybody has to start from 0.

[[future is already here it is just not equally distributed yet]]