Being sick sucks.

  • There is nothing like feeling sick that drains any little motivation that I have left inside.

  • Physically painful, no energy, no will

  • Negative thought spiral

  • Just overall making me feel bad about everything.

  • I really am grateful for being generally healthy…

My habit is barely propping me up. But it is working.

  • The reason I am even writing this is because I have a system that I set up using so that I commit to one post no matter how small.

  • It’s not perfect. But it is improving. Even if it is a little.

Note to self when I am sick

  • Take care of myself, sleep, eat, and get well soon. Help your body heal itself. This will pass and you will be back to your positive self sooner than you think. You will even forget how bad it feels to be sick until you are sick again. Remember and work hard to stay healthy.

Work on this

  • How to reduce the amount of time I am sick

  • How to increase the amount of time I am healthy

  • Track how much I am sick

  • When and how I am getting sick, find patterns

  • immune system

  • Help myself to be healthy, help people I love around me to be healthy.