Are you the master of your own reality? Or are you a slave of your temptation?

It used to be a philosophical question, but now it has become a more practical, technology question. Apple just announced the [[Vision Pro]]. And of course, everyone is jumping on the opportunity to give their two cents about Apple’s first stab at this new way of computing. It’s very noisy on the internet, but at least it’s exciting times again. It was a long wait.

I want to take this opportunity to think about what it will mean to have this new power. Not being limited by current iteration of the technology but looking forward to the final form factor of Spacial Computing. Which is going to be invisible like a pair of glasses, or contact lenses.

So what is the fascination with VR, AR, XR? Or as Apple put it Spacial Computing anyway?

  • Why are so many people excited about this technology?

  • Why am I so excited about this technology?

Maybe I can sum it up to, “I can trick my brain into believing anything I show it…”

  • Summoning anything you can imagine

  • Filtering out what you don’t want

  • Changing things the way you feel like

What are the things it can replace for me?

  • Monitor display

I guess it is like using ear phones to share music. Except it is now visual.

Sharing Imagination with another brain is exciting.

It is what drawings, paintings, photos, movies, videos, all were ultimately trying to do.

Like any tool, it’s up to the user. But I do see the concern.

  • Many people have already giving away control of their brains to their device.

  • temptation, addiction, dopamine hits - will it be too strong for humans to avoid the negative consequences?

I’ve managed to avoid the worst of it so far, because I know myself well enough to keep myself away. But will this be too strong?

I see it as a continuation of technology simply getting closer and closer to the brain. Or maybe it’s the brain that is trying to get closer and closer to technology.

Next will be a direct connection to the brain. I’m not sure when any of us will be ready for that. But then again anything is possible when you are living in the [[Singularity]] …