I was thinking about consciousness. Then I had a moment of profound realization. You know the moment you go from not knowing to knowing something. Our brain probably evolved to reward these moments since it feels so good when this happens. This must be the motivation for all the curious minds. Joy of learning I suppose.

Suddenly all the things other wise people said started to make sense like puzzle pieces falling into place. But then I had a thought. In this moment of profound realization I had no language to share this realization with anyone. Maybe I just need to realize more, or maybe the realization was still in my intuition/subconscious part of the brain. I need to work on this one a bit more.

But in the mean time I had a metaphor for this situation of knowing but not being able to say.

You are in a room with adults and their children. Everyone is behaving as if Santa is real. But you know Santa isn’t real. And you know that most of the people in the room know that Santa isn’t real. But even though you know all this there is no way for you to tell if anyone really knows the truth or not. Other people will feel the same about you too. I call this the Santa Paradox.