Looking around at the the crazy pace of AI development right now, it is getting more and more impossible to focus on anything these days. So much is swirling around us so fast no human can possibly keep up. It will only get exponentially faster I suppose.

Welcome to the singularity.

What I see happening very soon, which is exciting to investors and businesses but scary and sad for workers is that everyone will start working on a last project that will train the AI to replace their own job. That story will sit pretty well with investors. Until of course even their jobs are taken. Soon enough all organizations will become Autonomous Organizations. It is just a matter of how soon. It is not as bad as you think.

Basic income anyone?

However in the mean time, we need a more human story. One that empowers our dreams. For myself at least, I think now more than ever I need to focus on figuring out my own human experience. The “Human” side of the Human AI Interface must be humane. It can be the “Constant” even with all the change that is happening around us.

You can’t keep up with all the AI technology. No one can. But don’t worry. Once you decide on our side of the interface, AI will learn to adapt to it. So make sure you like the human experience you make for yourself.