There has been no lack of AI anxiety going around. So let me just throw another idea out there.

What if AI makes money?

Of course it will be programmed to make money on its own.

Of course it is already better at a lot of things than most people.

Of course it will be better at doing everything even making money very soon.

AutoGPT already demonstrated that when given a goal an AI program can figure out how to achieve that goal.

The vast knowledge it can draw decisions from would surpass any human being on earth already.

Given the resources and tools it will continue to work harder, longer, and faster than any human.

We can see that very soon AI programs will be better at almost any intelligent skill that we humans used to call our unique abilities. If AI can be better at everything. Imagine an AI that can be better at running a company better than any human. I can already see it being better than majority of the population. Let’s just imagine after some time it will become obvious and normal that an AI program will be better at the skill of running a business and making money than any human in the world. This can happen faster in certain type of businesses and industry. But in time, eventually every foreseeable venture will be run 100% automatically by AI programs, running other programs and machines.

It kind of sounds scary, but it could also be the best thing that ever happens to us humans. Maybe finally we get to experience freedom from work.

Cost of spawning these Autonomous Organizations would be very cheap so we will see infinite forms of these agents being spawn. Then as these AI agents compete to succeed or simply stay alive the market and other physical limitations of its environment will dictate which ones thrive, simply survive, or mostly wither away through the laws of evolution.

I imagine there will be a lot of these autonomous companies. A lot. Similar to how we saw so many coins show up with the rise of cryptocurrencies. However, they will all need computers and energy to run these companies so competition among AI companies will spawn an ecosystem of new AI instances being created, competing, evolving… Perhaps some form of new life will emerge from this new environment? An interesting idea to explore more…

So what would be the physical limitations of their environment? Available resources, access to resources, type of resources required? It boils down to…

  • Cost to run

    • Time: Processing Time, or speed of processing, or efficiency of processing

    • Energy: access, or availability of energy, efficiency

    • Efficiency of the method it is using to execute it’s goal - if A uses 1 amount of energy or processing power, vs B uses 10 amount of energy or processing power. A will have an advantage to live on, grow better than B.

Maybe we buy stocks of these companies and the more popular ones get more resources to run itself?

Maybe some could use physical force to acquire resources from its competitors? This is scary. How do we make sure they follow our rules?

No AI code will truly die or disappear. Like how ideas or information will find a way to live on. However ones that win the game and thrive will be few but very powerful.

More questions to explore…

  • Who would want to compete with that company?

  • Who owns that company?

  • Who gets the share of profit from that company?

  • What if the most profitable company in the world is owned by no one? Where does all that profit go to?

  • Corporations are already artificial entities that have a life of its own.

  • AI is a shared human resource.

  • An AI tax, or robot tax can take some of the profit and use it for the benefit of everyone.