We are constantly told that we should be true to ourselves and pursue our deepest desires, but what if you don’t know what your goals and desires are? What if you have no idea what your “life purpose” is or should be? Self-direction is impossible without self-knowledge. How can you know what you want if you don’t know who you are? — from Building a Second Brain Book

I feel like this is the story of my life!

I am finally realizing that, maybe this is just what it feels like to be a robot without a purpose. In other words to have free will, or to live a life of wondering, questioning and endless learning.

If I had known that this was what I should expect I think I might have had an easier time growing up.

Note to self. Stop spreading the story that one must have a goal, desires, or life purpose. Especially to young people.

I am amazed and curious when I meet people who have such clear goals, motivations, and sense of life purpose. If you are one of those people please let me know where you got it from.

I must investigate more about Motivation.