image.png Image generated by [[DiffusionBee app]] using the prompt “What would the last cup you ever need to buy look like?”

In the world where consumerism, fast fashion, instant, single use, and [[designed obsolescence]] is the most profitable business practice. What would the last product you need to buy look like?

  • The Last cup

  • The Last shoe

  • The Last bag

  • The Last jacket

  • The Last car

  • The Last house?

As a designer I am sad to think that design is causing more waste. Fashion was one of the first industries that created the sense of wanting the “new” every season. New car models are designed every year. Packaging is designed optimized for consumption not sustainability. Designed obsolescence is a real thing, and it is a real problem.

What if…

  • Products were designed, and built to last?

  • Design was optimized for longevity, repair, reuse, recycle, and renewable?

  • Even the company was designed in a way that it benefits everyone and the environment. Borrowing from ideas like Open source product design? Coop? Crowdsourcing? and new forms of [[Organization Design]] like [[Steward Ownership]]?

Here are a couple of questions to start with.

What kind of products are causing the most waste?

  • Fashion waste

  • E-waste

  • Single use products

  • Packaging

What could be the best products to start with?

How can I gather supporters?