“A Bicycle for the mind”. That’s what Steve Jobs called the computer back in the 90’s, because it was a tool that made our limited human mind more efficient. Now imagine, driving past the old bicycle on a new “self-driving car for your mind”. I think it’s time we get a little upgrade.

Let’s think about thinking, just bear with me for a minute…

We all have a lot of “knowledge work” to do these days. And most of that work is thinking, and then creating something from that thinking.

To think through an idea or solve a problem. We gather information, brainstorm to come up with new ideas, we use logic, and reasoning to compare, evaluate, analyze. And so on… to turn all of this thinking into knowledge and insight, in order to make a decision or plan action.

Sure, some of these steps might be creative and fun, but, let’s just say we need to use our brains a lot, and my brain hurts, sometimes… because thinking is hard! It’s called mental labor, it’s difficult, tedious, repetitive, and error prone, and takes away a lot of your precious attention, time and energy.

That’s why we need a thinking tool. Remember, “The self-driving car for the mind”. I believe new AI thinking tools are going to open up a new paradigm of using computers with AI.

When you use thinking tools your work is captured as a living, growing process. The mental labor that used to be complex, tedious, and repetitive, Becomes clearly visualized, simplified, and turned into modular building blocks that can be reused, and automated.

You become a powerful super thinker!